The National Association of Handweavers
Riksvävarna is a non-profit organization for everyone interested in weaving. Our purpose is to preserve and develop handweaving traditions.
Through its 15 regional groups, the Association reaches out to the entire country. Membership in a regional association also includes membership in the National Association. Our membership magazine, Solvögat, is published quarterly. In Solvögat (“the eye of the heddle”), the Association’s members share what we’re doing on both the regional and national levels. We work with a biennial theme; each region includes theme-related activities in its programme and activities take place on the national level as well. The theme culminates at the Association’s national meeting, where members of each regional group exhibit weavings that they’ve created based on the theme.
The National Association creates contact among weavers around the country. We welcome hobby weavers and professional weavers of all ages.
Our website presents a wide range of information in Swedish, including regional activities and calendars, courses and travel, and links. Although our draft of the month feature, Månadens Väv, is also in Swedish, non-Swedish speakers might find it interesting. You’ll find contact information to connect with the association and the website by clicking on Kontakt in the footer.